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Since 1979, the LHS has been active in helping to preserve our local heritage. Here are some of our events that took place in the 1980s:

May 21, 198 – The LHS sponsored a tour of the historic O'Neall Terrace neighborhood in celebration of National Historic Preservation Week's theme of Look Homeward America. The O'Neall Terrace neighborhood is a microcosm of Lubbock's residential development, featuring a wide variety of housing styles built over several decades. Six distinct homes, built between 1929 and 1949, were opened for viewing for the tour between 2-5 pm. The houses toured were 1901 29th street, 1902 29th street, 1713 31st street, 1714 31st street,  1923 32nd street, and 1722 33rd street. The cost of the tour was $5 with the proceeds going towards supporting the LHS's continued historic preservation efforts.

February 28, 1985 – The 6th annual meeting of the LHS kicked off at 7:30 p.m. at the Special Collections area on the third floor of the Texas Tech University Library. Dr. Don Abbe and Dr. Joe King, both from the Center for the History of Engineering and Technology at Texas Tech, gave a presentation titled “Courthouses of West Texas.” Attendees also viewed the nationally-acclaimed photographic exhibit, “Houses of Justice: County Court.

November 22, 1985 – The annual Historic Home Gala provided the opportunity for the premier showing of the McMillian/Barton Home on 19th Street.

1985-1986 Board Members:
Paul Nash, President
Mary Kelly Crites, Treasurer

January 24, 1984 – the LHS Board hosted a party in the home of Mrs. Georgea Fletcher to honor the guarantors of the Mast/White House project. Each of the guarantors signed notes to secure financing of the project while the house was being renovated. At the party, each guarantor participated in the ceremonial burning of the notes and was presented with a handsome memento of the project.

February 21, 1984 – The fifth annual meeting of the LHS was held at historic Lubbock High School at 7:30 p.m. and included a multi-media presentation on “Lubbock’s Early Schools” which focused on Lubbock High School. Tours of the building were also given. LHS’s Excellence Award for 1983 was presented to Mayor Allan Henry in recognition for his preservation of the Jones/Hull/Grey House on 19th Street.

September 20, 1984 – The Dalby/Keeton/Pierce home at 1902 29th Street was the featured home at LHS’s annual Historic Home Gala fundraiser.

1984-1985 Board Members:
Kay Key, President
Benny Nixon, Vice-President
Dr. John Chalk, Secretary
Betty Morris, Treasurer

LHS began seeking local, state, and national historic landmark designations for the Lubbock High School Building on 19th Street.  Contributions were received for assisting the Society in obtaining the landmark statuses and to help defray the costs of markers and other expenses associated with the project.  

February 8, 1983 – The 4th annual meeting of the LHS took place at the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas, formerly the Bacon Home. During the program, the Society presented to Bishop Sam Hulsey its Award of Merit for the Diocese’s careful restoration of the Bacon Home. The program also included presentation by Maxine Blankenship, chairperson of the city’s Jubilee 75 Committee, and Sally Abbe and Toni Ireland, both of whom represented the City Planning Department. The three reported on the proposed project to renovate the Broadway Avenue area, including paving of the entire street with brick.

April 14-17, 1983 – The LHS shared a booth with the Urban Design and Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Lubbock at the annual Lubbock Arts Festival.

May 5, 1983 – The membership coffee was held in the historic home of Mrs. Robert Fletcher (Georgea).

1983-1984 Board Members:
Beverly Stribling, President
Kay Key, Vice-President
Jay Matsler, Secretary
Donna Armstrong, Treasurer

March 9, 1982 – The 3rd annual meeting of the LHS kicked off at 7:00 p.m. with refreshments and a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Mast-White House on Broadway and Avenue X. The business meeting began at 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Building of the First Baptist Church. The Lubbock Junior League generously donated $10,000 towards the restoration of the house and another $5,000 for the development of a video program outlining this endeavor. The Society also held a rummage sale to help raise funds.

May, 1982 – The Lubbock Council of Garden Clubs approved a $1,000 grant for landscaping the Mast-White House. Additionally, the Holden-Dodson Nursery and Tom’s Tree Place have each donated trees towards the project.

May-July, 1982 – One day each month members pitched in help landscape the Mast-White House under the direction of Jim Harris, a landscape architect who also served on the Society’s board.

October 14, 1982 – Dr. and Mrs. English held a reception in their home to help raise funds for the Mast-White House Restoration project.

1982-1983 Board Members:
David Murrah, President
? Vice-President
? Secretary
? Treasurer

February 10, 1981 – The 2nd annual meeting of the LHS was hosted by First Federal Savings and Loan at its downtown office. The Society presented awards of excellence to First Federal for the firm’s leadership in adaptive reuse in the downtown sector. Also honored was Mrs. Nancy Brownwell for her efforts to promote Lubbock’s history through the publication of her new book, Lubbock: A Pictorial History. Featured speaker for the meeting was Bob Nash, Lubbock television and regional historian.

May 27, 1981 – Mrs. Rita Clements, wife of Governor Bill Clements, gave a presentation titled “The Importance of Historical Restoration” at the LHS luncheon to approximately 250 people. The event was co-sponsored by the West Texas Museum Association and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. That evening the J. T. Krueger champagne reception was attended by approximately 200, helping to bring in more new members for the Society.

September 22, 1981 – Ms. Shara Airhart gave a slide presentation on the history and renovation of Tara Restaurant, located at Slide Road and 4th Street. A certificate of Excellence was awarded to Tara, Inc., for the company’s efforts in adaptive reuse of an architecturally significant building in Lubbock.  

September 27, 1981 – an autograph party for Willard B. Robinson’s book “Gone from Texas: Our Lost Architectural Heritage” was held at in Barter Hall of the historic Baker Building.  

1981-1982 Board Members:
David Murrah, President
? Vice-President
? Secretary
? Treasurer


At its first annual meeting in February, 1980, the Society awarded the Depot Restaurant its first "Award of Excellence for Preservation Efforts."


During its first year, the Society, in cooperation with the City of Lubbock Planning Department and the Center for Public Service at Texas Tech University published the booklet Architecture in Lubbock: A Guide for Identification and Preservation



LHS's motto:

"Preserving the Past to Clarify the Future"

In 1988, a tour brochure of notable Lubbock landmarks was developed and printed for distribution to interested citizens and tourists. For several years the Society has sponsored exhibits at the Lubbock Arts Festival, sent representatives to appear before various city commissions on behalf of historic preservation issues, observed National Historic Preservation Week, purchased preservation books for the City-County Library, and initiated landmark designation requests for historic structures.

In 1981, as one of the Society's first undertakings, the Mast-White House at Broadway and Ave. W was renovated for offices. Completed in 1982, the structure is a handsome addition to the Broadway corridor. 

Lubbock Heritage Society, P. O. Box 5443, Lubbock, Texas 79408 (806) 392.4949, LubbockHeritageSociety@gmail.com