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The LHS's autumn program was held at St-Paul's-on-the-Plains Church at the Lubbock Garden and Arts Center on October 30th starting at 6:30 pm. The "Haunted Lubbock Event" was well attended and everyone had a great time listening to Rob Weiner and Heather Henry's stories. Photographs by Lynn Whitfield.

Members of the LHS greeting visitors as they arrive.

Robert Weiner talking to the packed room about ghost stories associated with the city of Lubbock.

Gretchen Scott introducing the speakers as the sun sets behind the church.

Heather Henry's vibrant display for her presentation on Dia de los Muertos.

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Lubbock Heritage Society, P. O. Box 5443, Lubbock, Texas 79408 (806) 392.4949, LubbockHeritageSociety@gmail.com